1000 Football Shirts: The Colors of the Beautiful Game

1000 Football Shirts: The Colors of the Beautiful Game

B. inggris ada yg tau ga kakak​

ada yg tau ga kakak​

Berikut ini adalah contoh melengkapi dialog yang diberikan.

Nana: Hey, what do you think about my painting, Aidan?

Aidan: Whoa! You made it yourself? Such intricate details you've added to your painting. It looks otherworldly, and I love it!

Nana: Thank you so much, Aidan! I appreciate it.

Aidan: You're welcome. Anyway, did you understand Miss Gina's lesson about expressions of compliment?

Nana: I did.

Aidan: What do you think about her? Do you like her teaching style maybe?

Nana: Yeah. I think she's really good at her job. It's so easy to understand what she teaches us.


Expressions of compliment berarti 'ungkapan memuji'. Ketika memberi pujian, kamu memberikan komentar positif kepada seseorang atau suatu hal, misalnya:

  • Looking good, James! (Kau terlihat menarik, James!)
  • Wow, it tastes so good I could cry! (Wow, rasanya enak sekali sampai ingin menangis!)
  • dll.

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